Announcing Beat This Rate: mortgage comparison shopping made easy
1 min read

Announcing Beat This Rate: mortgage comparison shopping made easy

Announcing Beat This Rate: mortgage comparison shopping made easy

A mortgage borrower loses out on over $1,200 a year on average by failing to comparison shop for their mortgage loan according to research from Freddie Mac. Mortgage lenders know it. They know customers don't want to fill out another application, share more sensitive information, or speak to another loan officer. That means many lenders don't even make their best offer until you bring them a better one.

That's why we're excited to launch Beat This Rate today. All it takes is 1-minute for a homebuyer to see if Safe Rate can offer them a more competitive interest rate. Users of Beat This Rate have already used our AI chat service and document inference to set themselves up for $1,000s of dollars a savings a year just by investing 1-minute of their time. Check out our demo below:

Beat This Rate Demo Video

The coolest thing since sliced bread?

Ok, we're mortgage nerds, we know. But seriously, the opportunity to help homebuyers save thousands of dollars per year is incredible. Mortgage loans are priced so differently between lenders, even though they are a commodity. Beat This Rate is how we can make the mortgage market more efficient, prevent discrimination in pricing, give homebuyers back some hard earned money, and stop the pricing inefficiencies of the mortgage industry today. In fact, if every homeowner with a mortgage loan received the savings that Beat This Rate can help them achieve, that'd mean $84 billion in savings each year for American households! That's a big deal, kind of like a national stimulus program. And we hope we get there ASAP.

Want to give it a test run?

Head over to to try it yourself! And here's a sample Loan Estimate you can use to see how it works.

In gratitude,

The Safe Rate Team